Renovation?... Professional company can save your cost

 Say what? Isn’t hiring a professional company for a luxury afforded only by the ultra-rich? Well, you’re half right. Hiring an interior designer is absolutely a luxury. But it’s not only for the ultra-rich. It’s actually quite common for savvy, cost-conscious home/office owners to hire a professional company because they have domain experts of different domain, because every domain have their skills and specialism. An interior designer can design and an executor can execute and an engineer can understand its durability. Here are some ways how:


We tell our clients to “start with the end in mind.” In fact, we say this so often we’re blue in the face. But it’s so true! Most people see a need, (for instance, a new sofa, conference table or a bed), so they go shopping and buy one. Rarely do they stop to envision what they really want the room to look and feel like, or how they want it to function, when it’s done. Inevitably, the new sofa either makes everything else look bad in comparison, leading to a complete re-do that has to work around one giant impulse buy, OR, the new sofa itself looks bad, because it’s too big or the wrong colour or just not what they’d hoped.
By the time the homeowner realizes their mistake it’s too late. They are left trying to work around it or selling it for a hefty loss on Craigslist.
The same can be said for tile, wall paint, flooring, or any number of individual decisions made apart from a look at the whole picture.
Unfortunately, many clients have called us at this point in the process. Hiring a designer before that large purchase would have saved them money (and heartache)!
When we design for a client, we start with an inspiration board, and then move to a mood board, and finally a detailed list of everything we recommend for a room - before a single purchase is made. Every piece is measured, planned, and carefully chosen to work together beautifully. So your room simply won’t fall victim to any costly mistakes.


This is where that “luxury” part comes in. Interior designers, engineers and space management specialist truly save you a LOT of time, and you know what they say...time is money. How did we find that one Pinterest-perfect vintage rug? Hours upon hours of scouring every amazon/ebay/flipkart and vintage source in the rolodex. How did we decide on 2 countertop and 3 tile options for a meeting? By sorting through every quartz and porcelain on the planet (ok, not really, but really. It feels like it). We checked lead times, stock, pricing, measurements, finish options, durability...all things that you may or may not have thought about, while at the same time figuring out what would look gorgeous too. Good designers make it seem easy to pick out tiles and counters, but it is not. space management specialist and engineers is about a thousand details behind the scenes that take a lot of time. Time you can spend with your family, or with office colleague  or on your own career, or doing the things that you love. It’s our passion to obsess over these things, so that you don’t have to.


Designers and engineers have access to more sources than you do for quality furniture. We aren’t restricted to the handful of catalogs that everyone gets in the mail. Quality materials and furniture stand the test of time, reducing the need to replace it after only a few years. We know that not everyone has the budget to take advantage of professional company resources, but when you do, the quality is well worth the investment and saves you money in the long run.


Speaking of everyone not having the same budget, we are experts at working within yours. We know what pieces are worth devoting more of the budget pie to (like a sofa, cabins, reception, living room, conference room etc) and which pieces can be less expensive (like a side table) if needed.
Designers have a good eye. We know how to incorporate the “saves” with the “splurges” to achieve an overall high-end, high-impact look. Some things should be extravagant and expensive. But not everything has to be. A good designer and engineers knows where to spend and where to cut back, smartly, to save you money.


Yes. Actual money. Depending on their volume, designers/engineers/space management experts are able to establish trade accounts with manufacturers and stores that give them anywhere from a nominal discount to true wholesale pricing. It is always our goal to share a portion of the discount we get with our clients. We’re in business, of course, and we have a metric ton of paperwork, taxes, accounting, coordinating, and liability related to purchasing, so we can’t pass along all of it. But as much as humanly possible, we want to make purchasing through us a win-win for our clients. That usually means discounts of at least 10% on designer merchandise!
10% may not sound like a ton of savings, but look at that this way. Your savings completely offsets the designer’s fee! It’s a no-brainer!


First and foremost, we design spaces as unique and individual as the people who live/work in them. We love to see a home or office space truly reflect our client’s style. But when you thoughtfully design a space and capitalize on the best of your home’s/office's architecture, character, and style, it cannot help but raise the market value. At some point-- and sometimes much sooner than you expected, because that’s life! -- you’ll probably put your home on the market. And when you do, having a professionally designed home will pay huge dividends in real estate. Even being able to say “designer paint colors throughout” on a listing sheet is a boost, but just consider for a moment the 'before & after' below. Which home/office is going to have potential buyers lining up?

For enquire us. Just few simple steps will give you free quotes from us.

Natalia Smirnova (Director)                                                    


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