Continued… Vastu & Feng Shui


          Continue theme difference between vastu s Fengshui.
  1. According to Vastu: Vastu-Purusha is infused into the body of the house, as the Paramatma is infused into our body at the time of its creation. Therefore, the attitude to the house and its Paramatma, Vastu-Purusha, should be the same as the attitude to our body. What does it mean? And the fact that our body is not really ours, but given to us by God temporarily, in rented, so we must take care of it.
The right attitude is to use the body according to the laws of harmony and with the right goal. Vastu Shastras describes these rules of harmony and how to build your life in harmony with Vastu Purusha, which controls homeliness and happiness and is the developer of Universal Harmony.
Vastu gives an opportunity to improve material life not to the detriment of the spiritual. That is, to be a spiritual person, it is not necessary to refuse this world and go to a cave to meditate. One can and should live in this world safely and happily, but according to the laws of God — that is, by fulfilling one’s dharma (duty, purpose), according to the principles of ahimsa (non-violence) and purity, making donations, helping others, and always remembering to whom everything belongs, that we are not owners here, we are here as a guest, therefore we must behave accordingly.

Vastu is not just architecture or space harmonization techniques. Vastu is a way of life.

The basis of the entire science of Vastu is the concept of the nature of Vastu-Purusha, embodied in every home of a living being, which ensures excellent condition and durability of the structure. It is a real being, but a subtle material, possessing all parts of the body and vulnerable points on it. Therefore, the house must be built in such a way that the Vastu Purusha feels comfortable and good, then this good mood will prevail in the house and be felt by all the inhabitants of the house.
If we treat Vastu Purusha correctly and correctly place the rooms and furniture, He is grateful to us for this and on a subtle level protects the house from various dangers and maintains a peaceful and blissful atmosphere inside. This can be easily identified by the smell of the house. Which the smell in the house, it’s means this main guna in this house.
  1. Feng Shui (Feng Shui) – is a Chinese geomancy, science and art about life in harmony of person with himself and the world. Art, because when practicing it, we usually use our intuition, we creating the space around us. Science – because we use exact methods based on thorough research and study of Nature and its energies, their influence on our life, health, well-being, prosperity and happiness.
The teachings of Feng Shui at the forefront of putting “wind” and “water”, it is assumed that the first carries energy, the second holds it. The harmony of these two this principles is the goal of “Feng Shui” from the point of view of people who use Feng Shui.
The main rule of Feng Shui is not to try to harmonize all zones at home at the same time. Feng Shui offers to choose the most vulnerable area of your life and do its transformation. The task of Feng Shui – the correct placement of objects in the living space of a person, allowing to control the life force for the benefit of people. To be continued.
Let’s create coziness together! We will help you to create a harmony in your home, office, hotel, cafe according main principals of Vastu. 
Let’s create beauty, harmony and comfort along with the smallest investment for you!
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